Praise presents itself in many different varieties. 

There are physical compliments:

You are beautiful, you are handsome, the outfit you’re wearing is stylish or even you are in such great shape.

And hey, who doesn’t love a good outward nod, but they are just that – external.

pexels-photo-241558There are also personal compliments:

You are such a great painter, you can build anything, or every meal you serve is amazing.

It is wonderful to be noticed for your particular brand of talent, but these comments are strictly personal.

There are also professional compliments:

You’re the best engineer we have, you drive sales better than any other manager, and every child calls you their favorite teacher.

These positive vibes more than likely mean you have found your chosen career but they professional in nature.

The most meaningful of all may be considered life compliments.

Life compliments are comprehensive in nature. They connect all the dots and are much harder to achieve because they represent the intersection of being present, values and a bigger world.


1.  I Respect You –

To earn respect means you are living a life of respect. 

Be it the way you treat other people, pursue your passion, support those you love, give back or more.

Of course, the best respect comes from the age old adage ‘respect begets respect.’

To know you are respected because you treat every other single human being with respect is the supreme compliment.


2. You Are A Wonderful Parent –

Not much beats being called a wonderful mother or father.

It is the most important job we will ever hold and to do it well is a life well lived.

It means we have raised beautiful human beings who are confident enough to project integrity, honor, honesty, kindness and other truly wonderful attributes.

A parent is the most precious profession one can be called to.


3. You Live Outside Your Four Walls –

The world is large and our own personal worlds tremendously small in comparison.

It’s not only a challenge to not get caught up in the day to day life, it’s a tragedy.

Every single person on the planet should never lose sight of the significance they can play in the life of another.

This means we are omnipresent in our day to day not just when we are actually called to come together in times of tragedy.


4. You Are Confident Enough To Be Kind –

There is a quote – “It is easy to repay a loan, but we are forever in debt to those who are kind to us.”

It is the ultimate achievement to feel good enough about yourself to give to others.

But fortunately, when we do, it is almost effortless to spread effortless goodness.


5. You Are A Leader –

Being a leader is misunderstood.

You do not have to be loud to be a leader, there is equally as much power in the quiet leader.

The truth? Being a leader, simply means you step forward when faced with right or wrong.

You may live independently but you have the strength which forbids you from looking the other way when it matters.


6. You Have A Strong Value System – 

Let’s face it. Not everyone is going to like you and honestly, that’s not very realistic.

But, if you walk the talk and live life with a strong value system they will respect you which is so much more important.

Living a present life which represents exactly what you believe in is unbelievably powerful.


7. You Get Involved And Make A Difference – 

Living a life of purpose means making a difference.

It means you have to make yourself uncomfortable at times: give up time, give up sleep, give up resources, give up knowledge, give up period.

It means being the person who volunteers at a shelter, makes a phone call, give some money, or whatever else is necessary in the process of coming together to reinforce the world’s whole.


In essence, the grandest compliments one can ever receive are much larger than… a cute new haircut, great new job, a gorgeous interior, or unbelievable artistry.

Rather they are profound.

The ones that intersect the human being with the ultimate being.

And those which remind us, it is far greater to give than receive…

Any type of praise.



(Photo courtesy of Pexels)

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