Loving Lions

Love makes everything better.
  When your partner is also your best friend life it is a blessing.  True love is unconditional.  It is a gift to be able to share your life with someone who sees the best in you.

There is the love of a friend, which is unique, because a true friend is unconditional.  There is the love of a soul mate, which is also a wonderful thing.  Then there is the love of twin flames, a spark that separated into two and then they find each other and reunite into one flame.  Twin Flames is an extraordinary love.  It is deeper and burns hotter.

I am blessed to have found my twin flame, Denise and we have spent the past 15 years in love together.  Tomorrow is her birthday and I can think of no greater joy than to share the time with her.  There are people who make this world a brighter place just by being themselves.  Wherever they go they add to the experience and whoever they meet feel uplifted by their presence.
Such is the nature of my honey.

Life is precious and there is a perfect person for each of us.  We have to be awake to see them when they show up and aware enough not to settle.  True love is created when two whole beings unite as equals, each being 100% responsible for their lives.  Then, their sharing is profound and powerful.

It is by caring more about your partner than you do for yourself and truly sharing that you create a successful relationship.  Also by acknowledging, recognizing and appreciating each other you achieve true communication.  Honesty, integrity and sharing your feelings are so important for a successful partnership.  No withholds, being able to surrender to each other are challenges worth transcending.

There is an expression I hear people use when talking about their partner,”my other half.”  If that is the way a person sees relationships, than it is true for them.  However, I believe that people are whole beings who have the freedom of choice to see themselves, others and life anyway they want.  The choice is yours.

So the best advice I can give is while you are waiting for your divine partner to show up, be the kind of a person who deserves that wonderful partner to share your life.  Develop yourself into the best you can be and have as much fun along the way until you meet them.


“From every human being there rises a light that reaches straight to heaven, and when two souls that are destined to be together find each other, the streams of light flow together and a single brighter light goes forth from that united being.”

                                                     Ba’al Shem Tov

“The minute I heard my first love story I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was.

Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere.  They’re in each other all along.”


For my honey, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  – “Someone like you”


🙂 Lee
The MEGA Coach


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