einstein_by_zuzahin-d5pcbug“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.

We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

Albert Einstein

From “The Power of the Spoken Word” by Florence Scovel Shinn:

“Clear vision is like a man with a compass; he knows where he is going.  Let intuition be your compass and it will always get you out of the woods.  Even a man without a compass, led by intuition, would find his way out of the jungle, or be able to steer a ship at sea.  Intuition will tell you to walk over the rope.  It is amazing how people have overlooked their most important faculty – intuition.  Always on man’s pathway is his message or lead.  Often our leads seem trivial and silly.  A person purely on the intellectual plane would dismiss them at once but the Truth student always has his spiritual ear to the spiritual ground, knowing he is receiving orders from the Infinite.  The Bible speaks often of “the still small voice.”  It is a voice which is not an actual voice, though sometimes actual words are registered on the inner ear.

When we ask for guidance and lay aside the reasoning mind we are tapping the Universal supply of all knowledge; anything necessary for you to know will be revealed to you.  Some people are naturally intuitive and are always in contact with Universal Intelligence, but by taking an affirmation we make a conscious contact.  Prayer is you telephoning to God, and intuition is God telephoning to you.  Many people have a “busy wire” when God telephones and they don’t get the message.  Your wire is “busy” when you are discouraged, angry or resentful.  You’ve heard the expression “I was so mad I couldn’t see straight.”  We might add, “I was so mad I couldn’t hear straight.  Your negative emotions drown out the voice of intuition.

We must stop planning, plotting and scheming and let Infinite Intelligence solve the problem in Its own way.  God-power is subtle, silent and irresistible.  It levels mountains and fills in valleys and knows no defeat!  Our part is to prepare for our blessings and follow our intuitive leads.”

May you be blessed with the divine plan of your life, under grace and in perfects ways!

🙂 Lee
The MEGA Coach


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