Ebb Tide
                                                      Ebb Tide

There is a natural flow to all of life, nature and the universe.  Sometimes you are in the flow and other times wishing you were.  Trust the process and allow life to be the way it is.  Have faith that life always supports you.

A flower blossoms when it is ready.  A child walks at the right time.  Love is fulfilled at the perfect moment.  God comes through just when you need him most.

Notice how you want things to happen when you want them?  The universe always has the first move and it is in charge.  Some things happen before you can think of them and other things happen much later than you want.

What do you really control?  Do you even know you will be alive in the next moment?  Do you really believe you control other people?  Can you even control your own thoughts?  Don’t think about a pink elephant…..too late!

The ego loves to make you think that you are all powerful and in charge.  When you are in your ego, you are not present in the moment.  The ego is a fear state.  Being present in the current moment is the greatest point of power.  It allows you to be awake, open, observing and receptive to what it happening now.

Know that everything is happening in perfect divine order.  There is an ebb and flow to life.  Sometimes you must first empty before you can take in more.  Sometimes you are too full and need to release and cleanse to receive something new and better.

Remember the times that you felt you were in the flow or in the zone.  You were not thinking or trying to make something happen.  You were just being, or in the moment.  You were in the zone.  That is when the best things happen and miracles occur.

The good you are seeking is also seeking you.  Stay open, positive and expect miracles.  Seek your divine plan or divine design.

And the best way to receive is to give…..

🙂 Lee
The MEGA Coach

Going with the flow!
                        Going with the flow!




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