You deal with major and minor issues, concerns and situations every day.
Do they distract you from giving your best and from being present and focused in the moment?
Do you live as the source of your life and are you totally responsible for you or are you more a victim of circumstances?  Do you persist regardless of the challenge and continue to learn, move forward and take action?

Again, I am not saying life is easy and we face tremendous challenges on our path over the years.
We deal with pain, suffering and loss in many areas.
Nothing is permanent except love – it transcends everything.

After all, you come in to this world with nothing accept your love and spirit and you leave with your love and spirit.  You can’t take anything physical with you – can you?
Yet isn’t it amazing how much we humans focus on accumulating physicals things and wealth?

We are challenged every moment with whatever situation we face to give our best.
That’s right, every second you have a choice of what you are going to do or say and how you are going to do or say it.  You either use your energy and resources to inspire, encourage, uplift and heal or you attack and destroy.

So, before you so quickly say or do something that you will regret and that hurts you even more than it hurts others, be aware and present and make sure it is appropriate to the present moment – not to an idea or past situation.  Once you say or do something you cannot take it back.  Every moment counts so make the best choice possible for the good of all concerned.

It is valuable to acknowledge that all worthwhile key principles of life show their true value when you are faced with major challenges.  It is  in these moments that your courage, determination and commitment are tested to implement these principles properly and their truth and benefit is clear.

In our modern world of instant communication and emails, it is amazing how many people use emails and texting for important relationship issues.  Email and texts are great for simple things, but they do not convey tone, body language, eye contact and other features that are much more powerful to create quality communication.  When something important needs to be communicated it is wise to pick up the phone or to go meet with that individual in person.

Under pressure the tendency is to attack, control and dominate or to shut down, run and hide – these are actually fear based behaviors and demonstrate poverty consciousness.  It requires awareness, clarity and balance to come from a place of love and compassion – which demonstrates prosperity consciousness.  There is enough for everyone and every situation can be discussed and resolved nicely.  It is a conscious choice.


“The quality of my life is directly related to the quality of my communication, with myself first and then with others.”


Wishing you the divine plan of your life, under grace and in perfect ways.

🙂 Lee
The Mega Coach


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