The greatest mystery of the universe is inside of you.
Your entire being is a miracle.
The body is a miraculous, self-healing mechanism.
Your energy can never be destroyed, it just changes form.

Who are you?
What are you?
Why are you here?
What are you going to do with your time and energy?

Life has many appearances and illusions.
It takes wisdom and discernment to go beyond the appearances to discover truth.
You can focus your energy and resources on money, sex  and power or seek a higher reality.
There is so much good you can do by following your divine plan and actualizing your creative potential.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”
The journey of life actually begins within you. 
By detaching from the outside world and the noise of the cities you can find a treasure.
When you let go of the stress, worry, anxiety and fear you can discover the joy and peace within you.
You access this peace, this joy, this freedom and abundance through meditation.

Will any amount of physical or material success truly make you happy and fulfilled?
The greatest gifts and achievements start within you.
After all, the self is one of the greatest mysteries of the universe.
God doesn’t make mistakes and you are created in His image.

When you discover your center as an infinite, unconditionally loving, joyful, peaceful, kind and generous being, you tap into your true power and resources to create and give to others. Meditation empowers you to find this center where you are in harmony with all of existence, where you are one.

The Game of Life sets up all types of distractions to keep your mind full and busy with other things.
True wisdom and strength finds its own path and navigates to align with truth, harmony and peace.
It is amazing how our world is so advanced yet so desperate for true meaning, peace and fulfillment.
Is it a wonder that most of our nation is unhealthy, unhappy and unfulfilled?

There is a way to freedom and it requires following proper principles.
It is a way of gentleness, kindness, detachment and peace.
Meditation opens the door.

🙂 Lee
The Mega Coach



Lao Tzu
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