Buddha of Light

When life is difficult, praise God!
When life is wonderful, praise God!

The moral of this story is that regardless of present circumstances, praise God.
Follow proper principles and everything will work out for the best of all concerned.
Be thankful and joyous for the moment and your blessings.

It is during challenging times that following proper principles is even more important and beneficial.
Challenging times test you to see whether you have the faith and discipline to follow proper principles even when you are facing your greatest tests.  Using proper principles for these moments show the true merit of their value.

Kindness and compassion are a language that every person understands.
Look at your world and see who you can give this gift to.
A smile, a helping hand, an encouraging word make it a brighter day.

Regardless of current circumstances, what can you do today to encourage someone in your world?
What act of service or kindness can you offer?
How can you change your world?

Monday is an interesting day.
Some people are full of joy for the new week.
Some people are not happy to have to go back to work after the weekend and get back into work.
Monday is a wonderful day, so give extra smiles out to people who cross your path.

Take good care of you this week.
Give yourself better health and a little more grace and compassion.
Eat healthy, exercise and spend some time in nature.
The sun fills your cells with vitamins and energy.

Have a wonderful and prosperous week!


🙂 Lee
The Mega Coach


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