What happens when life appears with a major challenge on your path?
After all, it is only temporary, this too shall pass.

First, do you acknowledge the situation and take a good, objective look?
Do you have faith that even the biggest challenge will work out for the best?

Life always gives you exactly what you need every moment.
So whatever the challenge may be, a solution is always available.

Be open, calm, be willing to ask for guidance and listen to your intuition.
Especially in important situations where there is a good deal at stake.

Trust yourself, trust the universe and ask for divine guidance when necessary.
Then stay open and see what shows up and use it in the best possible way.

Life can certainly be exciting, challenging and stressful.
It can even be full of drama.
What you do with it determine your quality of health and success.

But what is the worst that can happen?
Since less than 8% of your fears actually take place, let go and make the best of every situation.
No risk, no reward.

Look for the good. 
Look for the lesson.
Look for a higher perspective.

Even the worst situations contain within them the seed of an equal or greater benefit.
Are you looking for solutions or do you want to focus on the problem and complain?

Remember, where your focused attention goes is where you energy goes.
Stay open to life, accept this moment and breathe deeply.

“Today is the day of my amazing good fortune.  The ground I Am on is harvest ground.”
“God ‘s ways are ingenious, his methods sure.  God makes a way where there is no way,
I Am divinely led.”

🙂 Lee
The Mega Coach



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