Your Divine Heritage is total health, success and abundance.

This is the divine plan.  It is God’s gift to all his children.

“Man was born to be rich or grows rich by the use of his faculties, by the union of thought with nature.”



Spirituality and prosperity are not separate.
A person can be both spiritual and be prosperous.


“Prosperity is the out-picturing of substance in our affairs.
Everything in the Universe is for us.  Nothing is against us.
Life is ever giving of Itself.  We must receive, utilize and extend the gift.
Success and prosperity are spiritual attributes belonging to all people,
but not necessarily used by all people.”

                           Joseph Murphy


We tend to focus our attention on the physical or material form.
We look to people, money, jobs, homes, cars and physical realities for what we need.
These are actually ‘outer effects.’  They are not the source of creative energy.


“Take your mind off money and material possessions (the effects) and focus and concentrate only on the lavish abundance of divine substance that is forever flowing form that Master Consciousness within you.  Take your stand and prove God now!”


                             John Randolph Price


God blesses us with the power to create health, wealth and anything that we desire.
It is our divine nature to create and the process starts within us.  We have to live from
this Unlimited Source with total faith.  Everything inside us, our energy, thoughts, feelings
and consciousness is created by God.  We have this infinite potential to create vitality and
abundance.  Yes we must take the proper actions; but the beliefs, feelings and essence of
our actions have to be in alignment with the truth of our energy as spiritual beings and creators.


“Financial needs are really spiritual needs that must be met on a spiritual and mental level,
as well as on a physical level, before poverty can be permanently eradicated from the world.”


                              Catherine Ponder


Make today the day!

There is GOLD DUST in the air!


prosperously yours,
🙂 Lee
The Mega Coach

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