From The I Ching, by Brian Browne Walker


The Power of the Great.

To achieve true power and true greatness one must be in harmony with what is right.

False power and false greatness can be seen all around us in the world.
Through egotistical and aggressive manipulations many people obtain a temporary position of influence.  The I Ching teaches us a different way of acquiring and using power, one that leads to true greatness and enduring influence.  The way of the Sage (God) unites power with modesty, justice, gentleness and equanimity.

The I Ching counsels us not to misuse our strength by judging, condemning, punishing or dismissing others.  It advises reticence in speech and action: more often than not, the truly superior person relies on stillness and nonaction, allowing inner truth to penetrate gently to the heart of difficulties.  The I Ching also cautions us to wait patiently for the appropriate time for speech or action.  Power can make us eager, but eagerness unbalances and leads us into trouble.  By listening carefully and patiently to the Sage we know when to move ahead, when to wait and when to retreat.

In the end, true greatness comes only to those in whom strength and proper principles are firmly united.  If you follow the Sage and persevere steadfastly in what is correct, you will inherit the power of the great.


“In life we cannot always do great things.  But we can do small things with great love.”


“Kindness is a language that we all can understand.
Even the blind can see it and the deaf can hear it.”


                                    Mother Teresa


🙂 Lee
The Mega Coach




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