“Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.”


I remember hearing these words every time I went to see Eric Butterworth’s Sunday Service at Avery Fisher Hall in NYC.  They are nice words, beautiful words and they may be the first steps to consciously creating peace.  Most importantly, we need to conduct ourselves in kind, peaceful and caring ways.

As the world watches the upheaval in Egypt, we are being given an opportunity to look at our lives.
How am I creating peace in my life?
Am I a peaceful person?
How do I treat others?

There are many ways that we can contribute to the world we live in.
The simplest way is to start with the people in our lives, the people that we interact with.
Every day we have choices of how to respond to people and situations that create either peace or fighting.

Peace is a function of unconditional love and caring.
War, fighting, control, hatred and anger is a function of the ego and fear.

A good friend recently told me that the Middle East dominates the entire world
and that until there is peace in the Middle East the world economy will suffer.

All I know is that each of us has a choice of how to live our lives and use our time, energy and resources. When we focus on helping people and improving our lives, we are wisely using the gifts God gives us.

I believe that by doing my best to live in harmony with proper principles that my example and energy ripples out in the universe.  Each person living in this way creates a stronger universal energy for peace, kindness and good.

Time is so precious.  What am I doing today to create peace?
What can I do today to help others?
What is the best use of my time and resources?
What good can I do now?

By focusing our attention on kindness and peace we create that in our lives.
It is time to follow the principles of Gandhi, Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King.


“Faith is taking the first step, even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”


 We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”

                                          Martin Luther King


“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. That is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.”

Martin Luther King, Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech


🙂 Lee
The Mega Coach




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