An Attitude of Gratitude: 

The best place to start is right here, right now.
There is so much for us all to be thankful for.

I would like to acknowledge and thank all of you for making this blog such a success in a short period of time.  This blog is for you, to motivate, inspire and empower you to actualize your divine potential.  I am thankful to contribute to your well being, in body, mind and spirit.

We live in interesting times.  Our world continues to speed up with the increasing technology of computers, instant communication and the Internet. The only constant is change, yet the key principles of the universe, The Natural Laws do not change.  The truth is always the truth. The Golden Rule is still the Rule of Rules.

Recently, I watched one of my favorite movies of all time, ‘Lost Horizon’ starring Ronald Coleman and produced by Frank Capra.  It is one of the most enlightening movies every produced by Hollywood.  The highlight of the movie for me is when Father Perot, who is over 200 years old shares the basic philosophy of Shangra La with the world famous Robert Conway, simply be kind.

The greatest gift we can give ourselves and others is to be kind and gentle. 
Life is a process of unfolding into our true essence and magnificence.  Being hard on ourselves or others does not make life better.  I am not talking about when it is appropriate to be straight, I am specifically refering to having compassion, care and patience with ourselves and others.  Life is full of challenges and difficult lessons.  Until you have walked in someone elses shoes, you truly cannot imagine what they are going through.  Even if you have gone through a similiar experience, it is never the same for each person.

Our world is full of opportunities for greatness, unconditional love and kindness.
Every day presents us with moments that we can make a difference with ourselves and others.

In watching the movie ‘Social Network’ I was struck by how hard people were on each other.
The movie depicted life at Harvard and how young people today relate to life and each other.
Yes, they are brilliant with computers and technology, yet in terms of relationships they seemed so lost and seperate. 

The movie shows how a number of college students were involved in the creation of Facebook.  Yes, it is a great Internet website and social networking place.  I realize they have made millions of dollars and the main character is the youngest billionaire.  I just wonder what quality of life all of the people involved have.  I just wonder how much true joy, health, happiness, peace and unconditional love they experience.

‘A little compassion, a little kindness and a little acknowledgement goes a long way!’

‘With Divine Enthusiasm I bless all that I have and look with wonder and gratitude at their abundant increase,’

🙂 Lee
The Mega Coach


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