There are ebbs and flows in life.
What is full must empty.

There is a season for everything.


Some wise words from the I Ching:

It is in the dark moments that a correct attitude is most important.
If we fight against the darkness, we are swallowed by it and suffer great misfortune.
If we react to the lack of visible progress with despair and negativity, we extinguish our own inner light

and block the aid of the Creative and the Higher Power.  If we try to persuade others that they must return

to the light, we exhaust ourselves in vain now.


In a time such as this, it is wise to adopt a stance of outer disengagement and inner perseverance,

Do not focus on or interact with the negative influences around you; this only strengthens their grip

on you.  Step aside, yield, let go, allow people and events to pass without attachment.  Direct your

attention inside, to your inner light, your devotion to what is right, your conversation with the Higher Power.


During this time, I came across a lizard in our back yard while I was in the midst of this process and situation.  My wife shared the following information regarding our friend, the lizard:


‘One of the most significant characteristics of some lizards and their claim to fame is the ability of the tail to come off.  A predator may grab for it, only to be surprised that the tail breaks off and the lizard scampers to freedom.  The lizard then begins the process of growing another in its place.

This detachment is also part of what the lizard can teach.  They can help us to become more detached in life to survive.  Sometimes it is necessary to separate ourselves or part of ourselves from others to be able to do the things we most desire to do.  The lizard helps us to awaken that ability for objective detachment so that it can occur with the least amount of difficulty.’


Even in the toughest times, there is light, there is hope and there is growth.


Life is good!  God is good and the universe supports us!



🙂 Lee

The Mega Coach




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