To have true communication with ourselves or others requires that we be present in the moment, fully here and now.  When you are present you are just here, paying attention to what is.  This is not something that can be forced or manipulated in the mind.  We all have the natural ability to use our awareness to be here.  Being present in any moment is the point of greatest power.  Everything happens in the now. 

The past is dead, the future is not here.  By thinking about the past or future, we actually take our focus out of the present moment and go into the mind and we actually miss whatever is happening in the present because we are lost in thought.  By practicing being present you will discover how much you have missed by being lost in your thoughts.  You will experience greater rapport, intimacy and communication with people.  You will have deeper relationships, feel more connected with people and nature, you will develop a greater sense of your intuition.

Being present is intuitive and creative, it is not a technique.  Being here and having total rapport with someone is powerful and as they share what they want with you or how they are feeling you can truly hear it and feel it and respond appropriately and maybe offer a solution.  This empowers all relationships.  In business, it provides for much greater service and communication, which leads to more effective sales, productivity and profitability.

Honest and sincere selling is one person sharing a need or want and the other person hearing that and presenting an appropriate solution.  It is a natural sale with honesty, integrity and value.  It alleviates buyer’s remorse and charge backs. 

One of the greatest challenges in life, relationships and business is that people are not present and true communication is not taking place.  People are in their thoughts, thinking about something instead of being fully engaged in the moment and with whoever they are with and with whatever is happening.  As you become present on a consistent basis, your entire life clears up and you come into alignment with your truth and your greatest good.  You discover exactly what you need every moment and open up to your intuition.  You discover from your experience that life supports you.  By living from your intuition instead of from your mind or master computer, your life takes on a completely different feeling and you manifest better outcomes in all areas of your life.

It has been said that prayer is us talking with God and intuition is God talking with us.  Being present and being and living in the moment allows life to become a dashing, bold adventure instead of something planned out of the mind.  It allows us to tap into our divine potential and to design our lives instead ‘making a living.’  It is a place of magic!  It is fun!  Life also becomes so much simpler by being present and living in the moment.  We know what is right for us, what feels good and it is a natural way to live.  We are in touch with our feelings and intuitive abilities instead of checking in our minds to see if something is good for us.  How can our mind feel anything or know what is right?  It is a computer.  Only our heart, senses and feelings can give us this information and this is where all relationships and important decisions should take place, not it our heads.

When we are present and in touch with our intuition, we actually do not make decisions, the optimal outcome or solution becomes clear and the best choice shows up or makes itself.

KISSKeep It Simple Superstar!

Have a Wonderful and Prosperous week!

🙂 Lee

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