How do you perceive life?
Do you look at it as a game where anything is possible or do you look at it as a battle?

Whatever way you choose to see it, you are right.
So why not see it as a game of giving and receiving?

As you give, so shall you receive….
The energy, thoughts, feelings, words, actions and things you give out, come back to you like a cosmic boomerang.

What would happen if you started having more fun and lightening up a bit more?
What would happen if you started consistently acknowledging yourself for all of your wonderful qualities and contributions?
What would happen if you did the same for others?

A wise friend and mentor, Michael Wyman, envisioned people as their Higher Selves and
as Unlimited, Powerful and Magnificent Spiritual Beings and children of God.
Michael chose to look at life as a game and believed that miracles are possible. 

When you consistently build your own positive energy by acknowledging yourself, others and the universe around you and by being thankful for all of your blessings, you create a high vibration that will attract wonderful things.

Also, having a high vibration and energy makes it easier for you to transcend any challenges or limitations that you may encounter.  Why let anything bring you down?

How to Play The Game of Life:

1)  First take a look at your life and acknowledge the truth of what is.
     You don’t have to like it, just acknowledge what is.
2)  Take responsibility for it (no blaming).
3)  Accept it.
4)  Forgive yourself or anyone else.
5)  Make a new choice and choose to create whatever you wish.

By maintaining a high, focused, clear and positive vibration and energy, you can achieve your highest potential.

Don’t take life too seriously, because you will never get out of it alive.

                 Michael Wyman

Make this day the best day ever and choose to create miracles.

Prosperously yours,

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