Is it easier to fight and swim upstream rather then go with the current of the river?
When we say yes we go with the flow and we accept the way life is.

Life always gives us exactly what is best for our growth.
All of the needed resources are available in this moment.

Sometimes from our present vantage point we cannot see clearly.
It requires an open mind and spirit to see the truth.

We can either use our perceptions to see the truth the way it is now,
or color it with our preferences and see an illusion of the moment.

A situation is the way it is for the moment.
By accepting it as it is, we can see how to transform a negative into a positive.

Isn’t it interesting how sometimes we do not allow ourselves to do something that we know we need or want to do?
Isn’t it amazing that we can sometimes even resist ourselves or what we know to be true?

Allow yourself to be the way you are.
Allow others to be the way they are.

Allow the world to be the way it is.
What is, is – Now you can choose how to respond.


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