Good Days...Bad Days With Maureen Pratt

Advent Day 11:  Have you found your voice? John the Baptist cried out in the wilderness to “Prepare the way of the Lord.” Christmas songs spill one after the other from radios, televisions, and loudspeakers all around us. Have you found your voice in this Advent season, yet? I know some people are terrified of…

Advent Day 10: What about you? Rise early. Hurry up. Juggle.  Add one, two, three more things to your list. Retire late. Repeat tomorrow. And tomorrow. And tomorrow. Still two weeks away from Christmas, and you might already be feeling as if you cannot wait until this season is over. But, wait you must. How…

Advent Day 9: Are you in a drought? The readings for today’s mass in the Roman Catholic liturgy begin with a wonderful, action-packed reading from Isaiah, Isaiah 35:1-10. It says, in part: The desert and the parched land will exult; the steppe will rejoice and bloom…. Streams will burst forth in the desert, and rivers…

Advent Day 8: What is your light? What a beautiful time of year this is! Decorations in bright reds and greens, silver and gold adorn homes and shops and schools and streets. And, the lights! Those beautiful lights! For Advent, starting today, we light two candles on the Advent wreath. The Jewish people celebrating Hannukah…

Advent Day 7: Are you afraid to say “Yes”? Receiving a diagnosis of an illness is never easy. In fact, it might be nearly impossible to understand. Each of us has our own way of dealing with it. For some, the news of putting a name to symptoms is a relief. For others, it is…

Advent Day 6: How far have we come? As we hurry about, preparing for Christmas, another important day is remembered: Pearl Harbor. Each year, fewer people remain with us who were here on that day and who recall when and where they were when the news hit. The question today is not so much about…

Advent: Day 5 Word Play: How do you say, “Merry?” “Merry Christmas!” “Merry Merry!” Meeerrrrrry Christmas!” We say it so often this month that we find ourselves saying it differently, whether just for variety or for emphasis. But, what does “merry” mean, anyway? Or, more precisely, what does it mean to each of us. For,…

Advent Day 4: Do you hear what I hear? Yes, there’s a Christmas song with those lyrics (one of my favorites, actually). And there’s also a potent and pertinent sentiment behind them. As we rush through these Advent days, do we take time to enjoy the atmosphere, the sights and sounds of the season, together? Do we…

ADVENT DAY 3:  Are you on hold? Waiting on the telephone is often one of the most aggravating things that can happen in a day, especially because nothing much happens! Oh, we might hear a loop with the same music over and over again (even if it is Christmas music, this can get old). But…

ADVENT: Day 3 Are we there, yet? There is a child in each of us, and the Christmas Season brings it out like at no other time of year. As adults, we know the importance and benefit of delayed gratification – waiting to eat that cupcake until we get home as opposed to devouring it…

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