Second close-up of pictureI’m very happy to say that I’ll be a guest on Relevant Radio’s “Morning Air” radio program on Wednesday, April 13, at 8:30 AM Central. Relevant Radio is a Catholic radio network available in a number of markets, mostly in the central part of the United States. You can listen in on their website if you don’t have access to the station itself: Relevant Radio Website Link .

On Wednesday, I’m going to talk about “Hand-Me-Down Prayer,” an article that is in the April 2016 issue of Saint Anthony Messenger Magazine. The article talks about the tangible legacy of faith and prayer that often gets overlooked, but that can provide a wonderful sense of continuity from one generation to another. I have such a legacy, and in the article, I talk about others who have inherited or found an important link to prayer and faith that can be a true, spiritual family heirloom. The program’s producer has told me he hopes they’ll be able to take calls during the program, so please call in and share your story of hand-me-down prayer!

Of course, I’ll also talk about my new book, Don’t Panic!:  How to Keep Going When the Going Gets Tough, a little, too. But there’ll be more to be said about it very soon, as the publisher ramps up their promotion!

Joy and peace,


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