Image courtesy of dexchao/
Image courtesy of dexchao/

During long days at high school band practice, baking under the blazing August sun and sweating buckets, I learned the importance of hydration – replacing the fluid our bodies lose under such circumstances.  Water, sports’ drinks, whatever our doctors tell us to do – hydration is vital.

But what about times when we “sweat” in other ways, especially when we’re worried about the turn our illness is taking, or the health news we’ve just received? What about the times when we’re waiting for lab results or a new medical consultation?  When we “sweat” worries and fears and dread out and into our lives, with what do we replace those terrors and tremors?

Jesus is not only the Bread of Life, but the Living Water that flows forth from absolute goodness and into our souls like a refreshing, rejuvenating stream. He is our “hydration” when we are completely oppressed with fear and overwhelmed with the heat of fierce pain. Jesus is our rock and our comfort.

We hydrate our bodies under the blazing sun. We revive our spirits with the amazing Son!

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