Maureen Pratt Author PicEven if you don’t celebrate Halloween, it’s hard to miss the identity changes that take place all around us (especially in Southern California). Adults become children, children become their favorite super-heroes. People open their doors to perfect strangers – and give them treats. Even animals get into the act (tho, perhaps, not voluntarily) with glitzy costumes.

So, with all of this on display, it naturally brings up a question: Who do you wish you were? And, why?

Do you wish you were the supermodel on the magazine cover? Or the brave firefighter, saving lives? Do you wish you could fly? Run a marathon?  Be one of those following Jesus when he walked on earth?

As adults, especially if Halloween isn’t on your list of holidays, it might seem silly or even slightly daft to express the “I wish I were…” within. After all, reality is reality. I cannot change being a lupus patient, for example, nor can I suddenly do away with all of my limitations. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t admire others for certain qualities and actions. Yes, admire and wish and then…

Often, the person we wish we were holds that place in our thoughts because we wish to emulate certain qualities that they have, good or amazing characteristics of lives that we admire.  That wish to “be like,” in its most noble form, is not silly or daft. It is, actually something that can help make us even more fully realized as people and Children of God. Yes, the good qualities in other people: the beauty they project (inside and out), the helpful things they do, the kindness they exhibit – all of these things are very valid for us to strive for, too.

Perhaps we cannot change our names, or completely alter who we are, and what we do. But this time of year reminds me that there are qualities that reside in others that I’d hope someday to develop in myself.

Striving to be better – and learning how to do that from others who are farther along their journey than I am. Yes, that’s who. And that’s why.

Blessings for the day,


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