Maureen Pratt Author PicLiving and coping with a long-term illness often calls for establishing a routine. Meds have to be taken at certain times and with or without food or in certain combinations.  Symptoms need close monitoring. So much sleep. So much exercise. For many of us, illness is a full-time job, and the hours can be overwhelming.

And, the routines can get old. Very old.

We cannot deviate much from the treatments and habits that help keep us going and moving. So how, then, can we cope with the “same old”-ness of this life with chronic health conditions?

Sometimes, the slightest difference can perk up the day. Music we haven’t listened to in a long while. A book that’s been on our list to read for ages. An herb or spice added to food, or provebially added to our routine. These can help energize and uplift.

Getting back in contact with a friend can be a nice boost. Learning about something completely different from our usual circle of interest is a great way to bring variety into our lives.

Praying differently is a good way to visit God with newness of eyes, ears and heart.

Sometimes, we might feel pent up and hemmed in by our illnesses. Stunted. Imprisoned. But, even the smallest change in our lives can reap great benefits. We can banish boredom. Invite hope and humor.  We can keep growing, and in so doing, reach beyond illness and be more fully alive.

Feeling like the “same old” is getting old?

Take charge! What’s new?

Blessings for the day,


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