Image courtesy of nuttakit/

Three wise men followed a singular star to Bethlehem to pay homage to Our Lord. On the surface, this seems simple and direct; the three had seen an extraordinary sight and needed to follow it. But in the sky over Bethlehem, without smog or urban lights to cloud the view, there had to have been many stars, some of them quite bright.

What was so special about that one star? Nothing? Everything! The wise men were so wise that they were able to see beyond the other lights in the sky and single out the one, blazing beacon that directed them without fail to Jesus. Wise, indeed!

We’ve had similar experiences. In a sea of people, we’re able to pick out a loved one immediately. In a store, we reach for the one shirt, dress, or tie among many because we know it is for us. Do we do the same thing when it comes to faith in our lives? Among the many choices presented to us, do we go right for the one God leads us to?

Discernment takes a lifetime to fully appreciate and learn. But, if we keep our inner spirits fed with goodness, God’s word and prayer, we will make progress each day. That progress will enable us to choose in a more holy light.

And, we will see the star we need to follow.

Blessings for the day,



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