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Are we there, yet?

There is a child in each of us, and the Christmas Season brings it out like at no other time of year. As adults, we know the importance and benefit of delayed gratification – waiting to eat that cupcake until we get home as opposed to devouring it in the car, or waiting until Christmas to tear open the package a long-distance friend has sent early (so it will arrive in time). But in the back of our minds rings the childhood refrain, “Are we there, yet?” which translates to, “Do I really have to go any farther before I eat/get/experience what I want?”

Advent is all about waiting, but it’s also about preparing. The more we focus on the question, “Are we there, yet?” the less we’ll be able to prepare for the day/event when it comes. So, let’s put our cupcakes back into their bags and the still-wrapped presents under the tree. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, but rather take this season one prayer, one meditation, and one step at a time so that, when Christmas comes (and, yes, it will come), we’re that much more ready – and joyful – at the things yet hidden, but to come.

Blessings for the day,


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