wright18.jpgAfter a string of Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s recent speaking engagements were cancelled, God-o-Meter wondered whether Barack Obama’s longtime minister had decided to lay low through November. Or, if he did speak publicly again during this election season, whether he’d say something controversial–lashing out at the way he’s been treated by the GOP/mainstream media/Hillary Clinton, perhaps–that would give the Illinois senator more headaches. It turns out that Wright is speaking publicly, and taking a few swipes at his detractors, but in an entirely civil manner. The Chicago Tribune reports on his uneventful appearance yesterday in Norfolk, Virginia:

Standing in a pulpit that inspired him in his youth, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. reminded a Baptist congregation that trouble is unavoidable but does not last forever and is not suffered alone.
“I don’t care what the prosperity preachers say . . . there is no such thing as a trouble-free life,” Wright said in a sermon at Bank Street Memorial Baptist Church in Norfolk.
Cautioning those in the audience who might repeat his words later, he added: “Don’t quote Jeremiah Wright, quote Jesus.”
….Wright’s sermon, based on the biblical parable about Jesus calming a storm, mixed nostalgic hymns and love songs with advice about marriage and parenting.
The closest he came to political commentary or addressing the recent controversy was to say that Americans have difficulty helping their neighbors, from “George W. to Uncle Bubba.”


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