DiabetesCare.jpgThe International Diabetes Federation is sponsoring tomorrow, November 14, as World Diabetes Day 2009.  Here at Fresh Living, we care deeply about those of you who are living with diabetes, and we are always on the lookout for the smartest ways to manage the disease through natural diabetes remedies, lifestyle changes, and self-care.

Not too long ago, we published a gallery of mind-body techniques for natural diabetes care.  Here are 3 that you might try today to get on the road to controlling your diabetes naturally:

3 Natural Diabetes Care Tips

1.  Guided Imagery: Imagining yourself at the beach or another favorite place can help tame tension, but you can go further to control diabetes by visualizing the anatomical details of healing. In diabetics’ bodies,
blood sugar builds up to unhealthy levels because the cells can’t
properly use insulin, a hormone that helps bring sugar from the blood
into the cells.

Cleveland psychotherapist Belleruth Naparstek suggests imagining the insulin acting like a key that unlocks the doors of the cells and lets the cells take in the fuel they need.

2.  Laughter: Tickling your funny bone is a great stress-buster, and a 2003 study in
Japan found that laughter can help manage diabetes. Researchers
measured the blood sugar levels
of 19 diabetics after they attended a serious lecture, and on another
day after they enjoyed a comedy show. Although they ate similar meals
on both days, the participants had lower blood sugar after a few
laughs. For more mirth in your life, spend time with friends who make
you laugh, watch funny movies or sitcoms, or just play with your pets.

3.  Journaling:  Expressing yourself on paper is a good way to release feelings that
you might otherwise hide or suppress. Researchers at Syracuse
University and elsewhere are currently studying whether writing about
traumatic or stressful experiences can reduce diabetic symptoms and
improve emotional well-being in diabetics.

Try writing about something that’s upsetting or troubling in your
life, either past or present, for roughly 20 minutes a day on three or
four consecutive days. 

Click here for the rest of the natural diabetes care gallery.  And do share – how do you manage diabetes with lifestyle and self-care methods?

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