An old friend posted this short poem by Charles Bukowski on his Facebook page yesterday and it has been haunting me ever since. I am not sure what was going through his mind when he shared the link, but it recalled for me a time when I was hidden behind a thick wall of…something…that prevented me from being one among many in community with the rest of humanity. These were days when I was sure that the “world out there” was populated with people just didn’t get it and the right mix of drugs and alcohol could help me to either deal with them or keep them safely at arms length. Bukowski’s words indicate that he knew that he had a Bluebird in his heart waiting to get out. I was not so lucky. I was convinced that I was in there all alone. 
In recovery, memories like these are a gift. Often referred to as “keeping it green” they help me to remember days and feelings I’d sometimes prefer to forget. Today my thoughts and prayers are with all of my still sick and suffering addict, alcoholic and mentally ill brothers and and sisters out there who are still on the journey. There is a solution…  

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