Following up on a post titled, This I Believe: Money isn’t Everything, a faithful reader shared the following hard-hitting and thought-provoking wisdom. Thanks Andrea.

Money is a cruel master, disguised as a bigger house, newer car, trendy clothes, impeccable lawn but at what cost? Larger mortgages with the bank owning your house, car payments with the bank owning your car, trendy clothes that last only a season and leave you with hefty debts to whom? You guessed it, the bank!

Then we have the impeccable lawns that require fertilizers, mowing, raking and weed whacking which we have to pay landscapers to do because we’re too busy working to pay for it all.

And who do we blame for all of this? The Banks? The Government? Usually anyone but ourselves. Granted many of us were seduced by the money that was thrown at us with relentless enthusiasm by credit institutions offering 0% or sending us check to use as cash advances but the real culprits were Greed (wanting more than we need) and Envy (wanting what others had) and Gluttony (overindulging ourselves with food, clothes, shoes, toys, electronics, you name it).

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