It is always a treat to see one of the greats in spoken word and discourse on the poetic tradition, David Whyte talking and reading his poems in person. A recent Saturday morning in Santa Monica, California at the First Presbyterian Church found Mr. Whyte touching deeply on one of his favorite topics, igniting the soul of passionate creative expression, this time discussing William Wordsworth and the moment in his work Wordsworth committed to his life’s work and love, Poetry.

“After dancing all night, Wordsworth walked into the morning light somatically alive, casting his eyes on the beauty of day break, once and for all dedicating his life to sharing/writing his poetry free of the burden and besiegement of other’s voices.”

(I love the use of ‘somatically alive’ in reference to a post night of dancing.)

Mr. Whyte went on to read from this section of the poem referenced that speaks to this…


The morning rose, in memorable pomp,

Glorious as ere I had beheld—in front,

The sea lay laughing at a distance; near,      

The solid mountains shone, bright as the clouds,

Grain-tinctured, drenched in empyrean light;

And in the meadows and the lower grounds

Was all the sweetness of a common dawn—

Dews, vapours, and the melody of birds,      

And labourers going forth to till the fields.

Ah! need I say, dear Friend! that to the brim

My heart was full; I made no vows, but vows

Were then made for me; bond unknown to me

Was given, that I should be, else sinning greatly,      

A dedicated Spirit. On I walked

In thankful blessedness, which yet survives.

Find more of poem here

Life is pretty wonderful as we allow it all to be.

It is cool to see in the words below that he found he would always belong to this place, this time and this feeling… and the great use of allowing the world to come and find you in that aliveness.

Enjoy this little moment of loving poetic inspiration.

Lots of Love. #Peace #MelsLoveLand #Next100

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