Being precedes the doing. So today is the day to BE.  To BE Love. To BE you. In touch with the present.  To love well. To be well.

My dear friend’s support group for Mother’s of Down Syndrome children shared some the best advice they would give Mother’s making a decision to carry their down’s marker babies to term — “Normal is a cycle on the washing machine.”

Heck YEAH! Normality is a function of whoever is the perceiver and has no bearing on the truth.

Who’s to know anything? Each life touches so many others in so many ways what you think is your greatest challenge can be your greatest blessing.

Who’s to say.

Let’s take today to own all of it.

Be you. All of you.

Own what you know.

Know where you stand.

Share the message when you can.

In the light of remembering to be all of you. You might need a little reminder that you don’t do it alone. Enjoy these words sung by Whitney Houston and CeCe Winans Count on Me … what a song, such a great message that resonates…

Count on me through thick and thin
A friendship that will never end
When you are weak I will be strong
Helping you to carry on
Call on me, I will be there
Don’t be afraid
Please believe me when I say
Count on me
There’s a place inside all of us where our faith in love begins.  Reach to find the truth in love, the answer is there within.  I know sometimes it makes you feel, it is much harder than it really is…Don’t give in.

With Infinite Love and Gratitude

LuLu You are Amazing Melanie Lutz Love Land
One of our Tiniest Love Land Angels – Lulu – sent this

Today is DAY 67 of MEL’S LOVE LAND #NEXT100 BE YOU

Take Mel’s Love Land Pledge!!

(Repeat after Me)

For the #Next100 Days I am going to consider the possibility there is another way…. 

(add whatever ‘feels right’ allow it to be your reality even if it is just for one moment, revel in the idea that there is another way to look at it and allow yourself the privilege of true sight beyond your perceptions because whatever follows ‘I will consider the possibility there is another way’ will be the direction that you set – make it count)

For more information check out all systems love AND if you want to get the Kindle edition of Mel’s Love Land it is available for pre-order now, releases 12/13/14

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