The happiness quotient in our life is directly dependent on the promises and commitments we make and break to ourselves. Don’t be fooled that how you do one thing isn’t how you do everything. Making a commitment and sticking to it is the ultimate exercise in loving yourself. In unlearning what you have learned as your way in the world. When what you see isn’t what you want, it is time to make a commitment to you. To what you want to see. To be the person that you know you were born to be.

Practice honoring your commitments to yourself first and then to others and watch the miracles unfold.

Acceptance and serenity is an inside job. It takes a practice. It takes your commitment to show up for yourself. A commitment to remembering your magnificence brings forward your authentic self, bringing you to the tools necessary to process through what comes up as you step forward increasing your emotional musculature and abilities to handle anything that crosses your path with grace.

Take the hugest step on the path to your most radiant self making Love your bottom line.

When I started my process of reclaiming the truth I started to hear these words.

For the next 100 days

I am going to consider the possibility that there is another way.

I won’t talk about war, I will feel peace.

I won’t talk about what isn’t working.

I will experience what is.

I won’t complain about what people don’t do.

I will appreciate what they do.

Cura Et Labore “with care and work”

I am going to allow myself to be uplifted.

And. Be willing to see change. In a new light.

In what’s remembered.

It did not stop repeating in my head until I started taking action on the message. That action of committing to the voice in my head has resulted in a large collection of love based messages and inspiration and ideas.  I have considered the possibility there is another way and it is what I live every day of my life.  A life that is now filled with an expression of myself that is grounded that resonates with the gravitas of love of everything that comes my way. A life I can be proud of because it is a life that contains self respect and self reliance that I can trust my yes and I can trust my “NO” because I know how to make a commitment and stick to it.

Commitment to Love has turned into a way of life where I get to experience everyday as a magical experience, where each moment brings with it opportunities of a lifetime.

Don’t fall asleep to the truth. The promises you make and break to yourself represent the confidence of purpose that you experience as the radiance of the heart. Awaken a commitment to loving yourself and watch everyday ordinary miracles unfold.

May today’s commitment bring you untold happiness and clarity of integrity.

 With Infinite Love and Gratitude

Make a Commitment


For more information check out all systems love AND if you want to get INVOLVED

Take Mel’s Love Land Pledge!!

(Repeat after Me)

For the #Next100 Days I am going to consider the possibility there is another way…. 

(add whatever ‘feels right, because whatever follows there is another way will be the direction that you set – make it count)

Mel Love Land pledge Conscious Rockstar kate neligan

Send me a picture of your commitment!

Love, MEL!!

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