In rural upstate New York, the public schools are having an intense time with the budget cuts. Many community leaders are getting together to share ideas and develop workable policies apropos to the region, with the common goal of providing the best possible education to the children.

The schools that don’t adapt to the challenges of national development appear to be faltering. But for those who realize the communities are not working separately or as competitors, opportunities are discovered.

The whole scenario typifies the world situation of globalization. Working and living in isolation is passé. Walls have come down. Technology has aided in our ability to work together with shared knowledge.

Care must be taken not to be rigidly concerned about maintaining a status-quo, but to focus of basic necessities. This keeps the goal of providing the best possible education to the children possible.

This state of affairs can roll over into religion, also a business that is becoming global. Barricades of dogma are coming down. Technology is aiding in our ability to work with shared knowledge toward the common goal of increased spirituality and healing.

From 21st Century Science and Health, “A fragrance becomes favorable only as it escapes into the surrounding atmosphere. The same is true in regard to our knowledge of Truth. Spiritual understanding, shared, can help waken others who are overrun with negativity.”

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