
I was riding on the subway in New York City recently, and saw this ad.  It’s from the New York City Department of Health, and about how much sugar is hidden in sodas.  Look closely at the ad.  It is called the “Pouring on the Pounds” campaign.

Yes, it’s true, there really are 26 packs (teaspoons) in a big soda.  Would you put that many teaspoons in a cup of tea or coffee?  Probably not.  But that’s what you (and your family) are consuming every time you drink one of those.

Sodas should be illegal.  We cannot, however, legislate health, though, can we?  Cigarettes are still legal, although proven carcinogenic for decades now.

It’s proven that those amounts of sugar in sodas are a leading cause of diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.  They’re not likely to be made illegal soon, if ever.

Look even closer – the soda is turning to globs of fat as it’s poured into the drink. Keep this in mind!  Remember this striking image when you next drink a soda.

Instead:  drink ½ cup of fruit juice (pure juice, not “beverage” or “juice cocktail”) mixed with a glass of plain seltzer (not club soda, which contains a lot of salt).  It tastes better, and is better.  Also, if available, pick a natural fruit soda, or one with a light infusion of fruit flavor, instead of a killer soda.

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