Near the top of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Pyramid, you’ll find meats and dairy. These are the protein groups. They’re at the top, because you don’t need very much of them in a given day. For meats, nuts, fish, beans–the USDA recommends a minimum of two servings a day. A serving of…

Here’s an idea to try in the kitchen. Vegetable pizza.  Get some bread dough (from a mix, pop-out can, a home-made dough recipe, or use a bread machine on the dough cycle). Spread it out on a lightly greased cookie sheet. Spoon some tomato spaghetti sauce on it, and grate some fresh low-fat (skim) mozzarella…

Today, join me in celebrating all that’s good in you.  Just skip the cake and ice-cream (or have it, within your Joy of Weight Loss Food Plan, that is!) — Celebrate that you are alive.  Yet again this morning!— Celebrate your pretty hair.— Celebrate you’re doing good things to be healthy, like eating more fruits…

“As you think you become,” said Descartes.  “To think is to create,” is another variation.  I know that’s true.  Rhonda Burne in “The Secret” gathered a bunch of experts, and they said it too – calling the power of mind, “the Law of Attraction.”  It’s been said by countless sages over the ages, from Hindu…

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