I just love the comment that someone posted a few days ago, in response to How to Curb Your Appetite.  I reprint it below, as the “Comment of the Week.”

This week I’ve posted a lot on family history, genes, materialism, making lower-fat hamburgers, and Christmas memories – I guess they’re all a prelude to the Holy-Days we’re enjoying, or about to enjoy.  It’s my way of trying to be helpful to you (and myself) before we (I) face the always challenging balance of Christmas and New Year’s celebrations centering around food and family.  These topics are all about remaining mindful, and at the same time, being full of love for one another, and for God.

This anonymous reader really wrote a lovely thought, I think.  I want to be sure you had a chance to see it.  Here it is:

“I am convinced that the sensation of hunger, even when you feel it all of the time, is an accurate feeling. The only distinction to make is what am I hungry for? And nine times out of ten, you are hungry to know more of yourself, to feel more of yourself, to see more of yourself. The hunger pains are a very legitimate attention getter because the sensation itself is physical. That is the only way we all know to express hunger. But we are typically hungry for, and even crave, time for ourselves, time spent with ourselves and time to decide what it is we really want from this life. Food, like any other distraction, is the ego’s way of keeping our collective and personal, eyes off the prize. Keeping your eyes ON the prize, the prize being you and even your hunger for more of you, is the point. Feed the hunger of your authentic self with some real time and stillness and your tummy hunger disappears. And expand the meaning of your hunger and feed the larger you and you will see the gift of hunger. Hunger may be God calling your name hoping that you will let Him satisfy your hunger by reminding you that He loves you and he would like for you to do the same.”

Many, many thanks for writing that, and for being a part of this wonderful community.

Now – I’d love for YOU to write and share your life and thoughts!  Please post!  Yes, YOU!

***** Coming January 4th – a whole new approach to New Year’s Resolutions.  Be sure to visit this page!  Please tell your friends, too!*****

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