Remember that great feeling right after a really healthy meal?  That sense you get of having had food that’s so good, and good for you?  It comes from eating really healthy food in appropriate quantities, and really appreciating God’s great abundance.

It’s an honest and simple feeling of deep satisfaction.  I got it recently when I had a tomato, lettuce and onion salad – vegetables I’d just picked from our summer garden.  It couldn’t have been fresher. The taste was amazing – like eating the glow of sunshine.  It felt deeply nourishing and satisfying: I was filled not stuffed, and nurtured by nature.

This salad was just the right kind of food, and the right amount.  I had a big plateful, with only a little dressing to wet the greens and vegetables.  It was that rare and great combination of healthy and actually tasty at the same time.  There was no guilt, either.  I wasn’t going to put on any pounds from loving it.

You may know I’m not really a salad lover.  For me to eat salad I have to be in just the right vegetable kind of mood.  The salad has to be great, too.  I just can’t stand no-character/no-flavor lettuce, mealy tomatoes, or boring crudité.

This one was so great, it was like the fun, warmth and beauty of summer on a plate.

Have you ever loved your salad as much as I did this one?  Please rhapsodize in writing by sharing your experience in a comment below!

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