Another entry in the “you may want to know” category: following a Mediterranean Diet and daily exercise may reduce later risks of developing Alzheimer’s Disease.  Vegetables, Fruit, Fish, Whole Grains, beans – little or no red meat and poultry – that’s the Mediterranean Diet.

This was announced in JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association, here’s the link to the abstract. A new article in Science Daily spells it out in non-medical-research terms for us here,

There was another study done checking risks for development of dementia, which didn’t show as conclusive a connection.

I’ve always believed and written that eating a Mediterranean style diet was a good way to go.  If you’re a regular reader, you probably already know that I also highly believe in moving and being joyfully physical – but absolutely hate to exercise!  I dance daily, I workout playfully, I walk and hike.  More and more, I’m eating fish and loving it.  More and more I am trying to love vegetables, and salads – it’s a stretch – but I know my health is worth it.

For years there have been many studies and experiential reports about the benefits of the Mediterranean Diet.  Not only for Alzheimer’s, but for heart disease and cancer.  Greek food, is highly Mediterranean, so is Italian!  So is French, Spanish, Moroccan, Algerian, Tunisian, and Libyan, Egyptian and Syrian!

The Mayo Clinic has a good description of the Mediterranean Diet right here.

What did I write last night on Twitter?  Don’t know?  Don’t miss tonight’s Dr. Norris Chumley Tweet Treat!  Enroll here, now, please!

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