So you slipped off your food plan, and had a few ice-cream sundaes, or a bag of chips or cookies. I know you regretted it! Use this episode and learn from it.

Study how you felt afterward:

  • Did you feel stuffed, tired, headachy, fat? GUILTY???

Pay attention to what caused you to do it; look under the surface of the behavior.  It could be you were tired, or bored, lonely or emotional.

  • Ask yourself: What did I really need to feel better, instead of pigging-out?

If you were tired, next time try a short “power nap” for a few minutes.  Or drink a glass of water (many times feeling tired may actually be dehydration).  If you were bored, perhaps a walk around the block or a good book or blog would be more satisfying.  If lonely, call a friend or confide your problems to a trusted person.  Emotional?  Talk about it.  Get the feelings out, and turn them into needs, then satisfy them in positive ways.

  • What was going on just before it happened?

What was the trigger, or in dramatic or literary terms, the “inciting incident?”  Did you just get criticised by someone, or did you get angry?  Were you neglected?  Was there some sort of physical pain or need involved?  Were you horney or in need of affection?

Now, use the self-knowledge to change the future. Instead of reaching for the cookie jar, give yourself what you really need: a nap, a walk, a good conversation to let your feelings out, a change of scene, a phone call with a friend, or get some work done.

Most of all, say a prayer thanking God for the understanding, and ask Him for the power to follow His will.  Understand that all is not lost – you can get right back into your healthy, positive routine right away, feeling truly satisfied.

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