Quick, repeat after me the following word: paraskevidekatriaphobia. This is the learned name for fear of Friday 13th. It doesn’t trip off the tongue quite as lightly as triskaidekaphobia, which means fear of the number 13. The longer tongue-twister is derived from the Greek words for “Friday, “thirteen”, and “fear”. But don’t blame the ancient Greeks, The term was made up just a century ago, when scientists and psychologists still knew Greek and Latin.

If you’re nervous about Friday 13th, here’s my suggested remedy. Try to memorize and repeat 13 times (without looking) the word paraskevidekatriaphobia. By the time you get this right, Friday 13th will be over.

Friday 13th is one of my favorite days in the calendar, but then I think black cats on my path are a good sign. I am in favor of personal and practical superstitions, ones that are road-tested rather than received as hand-me-downs.  I know that for me, for example, a red-tailed hawk is a reliable messenger and that if it is flying my way or feeding well, things will go well that day.  Friday 13th has been a lucky day for me in the past. But if things  turn out otherwise, I am ready to revise my opinion; I want oracles that deliver.

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