Doing Life Together

 “I did not have sex with that woman.” These words from President Clinton concerning his relationship with  White House intern. Monica Lewinsky. raised questions about what does and does not constitute marital infidelity. How does one define infidelity? Is it an act of the heart, a break of trust and/or a physical breach of the…

With all the bad news about hate speech, hurting people, murder and mayhem, use this 4 minutes to stop, reflect and care about those you encounter every day. Instead of selfishness, hate, anger and uncaring, let’s build love, support and compassion. Today, who do you know today who needs your prayers? From the Cleveland Clinic.…

I’m doing tomorrow’s blog right now. The reason is I couldn’t believe the sound bite I just heard from Fox News. It was an audio piece from the Trayvon Martin case. The star witness from the prosecution, Rachel Jeantel, was asked about  her phone conversation with Trayvon Martin moments before he was shot. She reported…

With all the talk about bullying and its damaging effects on kids, we don’t often hear much about sibling bullying. Isn’t it normal for little Billy to push around his brother Joey? Sibling bully, it turns out, is just as damaging to kids as other types of bullying. A new study  in the July journal…

Let’s say it has been a rough year on the job. Your boss finally tells you he is downsizing and you are out of a job. Your kids are struggling in the job market as well. Your wife has been anxious and is dealing with caretaking her parents. It feels like life is closing in…

You are sick with the flu so you stay home so as not to infect anyone. But did you ever think your mental health could be contagious? Researchers at Nortre Dame discovered that thinking styles can be contagious. Your negative thinking can infect another person. Here is what they found. Notre Dame, like most universities,…

I’m feeling blog lite today. So let me focus on a rather unimportant issue, well at least unimportant to most of us, but not to one little girl. One little girl will grow up with an unusually name that could be the brunt of teasing. Right now, her parents are not  married. Not sure if…

Modesty–a word that sounds like a throw back to another time. But not every young person is shunning the idea of modesty despite the celebrity trend to bare all. In fact, a friend sent me a link to a short video (about 9 minutes) of a young woman who has not bought the lie that…

You’ve heard it said — face your fears. Well there is more truth in that sentiment then you probably know. You don’t overcome anxiety by avoiding whatever makes you anxious. You overcome it by gradually facing it. Children are no exception. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that approximately 18 million children under…

I’d love to hear from you on this question! According to a survey conducted by Northwestern researchers, most parents answered, YES! Despite the number of hours spent with TV, tablets, cell phones, computers and other devices, only 30% of the 2326 parents surveyed were concerned that their young children consumed too much media. Yes,parents acknowledged…

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