social media 2The Barna Group surveyed American moms in their FRAMES project and discovered both positive and negative influences of social media on how moms feel about themselves. We all know that  social media can certainly make someone look better than perhaps she is, but that knowledge doesn’t stop us from comparing ourselves to others. And even though we should focus on our unique  lives and unique circumstances, we do compare.

Here is what the survey of practicing Christian moms found:

The Negative— Comparing themselves to friends on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest):

1) Feel their friends have more status and privilege (11 to 1)

2) Say friends are more creative (10 to 1)

3) Believe others have a more superior career (3 to 1)

4) Believe others have a superior ability to accomplish tasks (2 to 1)

The Positives:

1) Feel they are better than their friends at parenting skills  (13 to 1)

2) Feel superior in their physical appearance (2 to 1)

3) Feel they have a superior overall quality of life that (2 to 1)

2 Corinthians 10:12-17  tells us not to compare or classify ourselves to others. But to let her who boasts, boast in the Lord. As moms, we focus on things that have eternal value in our own lives and in the lives of our children. This Mother’s Day, boast in the Lord. He is the One who gives you worth and guides you through your unique life circumstances.


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