There is no place like home for the holidays unless it is filled with family members who seem to have nothing better to do then criticize or complain. So to maintain a little peace on earth, think about how you want to respond to the family digs. Here are a few examples:

1) Does Rachel ever sit still at the table? “I know, she is really excited this year. Normally, I would be on her but it is a holiday so I’m giving her a bit more leeway.”

2) Ricky is eating a bunch of cookies. Don’t you want to stop him? “Thanks for your concern but it’s only one day out of the year. It’s OK today.”

3) I noticed that your children didn’t say thank you when they opened their gifts. “But you did notice that I told them to say thank you. I think they were very excited and just needed a reminder today.”

4) Are you still single? “I am but the good news is that I am not going through a divorce or having marital problems!”

5) You know, our tax dollars are paying for your unemployment. “And I appreciate that. I am really trying to find a job and if you know of any leads, please let me know.”

6) Haven’t you been in school for a long time? “It seems like forever. But I am determined to get my degree. Keep me in your prayers!”

7) You might want to think twice about taking that second piece of pie. “I am. Being intentional  about what I eat is one of my goals. So if I eat this now, I will need to cut back later. What is your weight loss strategy?”

8) Are you and Jim having marital problems? “That’s really personal and I’d like to focus on the holiday. But thanks for your concern.”

9) I would never allow my dog to be on the furniture. “People have really different ideas when it comes to their pets. I’m glad you see that!”

10) Are you really going to use paper plates? “I am. I have dishes but I thought this would make clean up easier and give us more time together. Thanks for understanding.”

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