Jared secretly meets his girlfriend at a local hotel room over his lunch break. Jared’s wife has no idea that this torrid affair has been going on now for a few months. The girlfriend is quite a few years younger and meets with Jared weekly for their sexual encounters. Jared is in trouble, not because the woman is stalking him or cooking his family pet in a pot on the stove (see Fatal Attraction).

One day, during the act, Jared had a heart attack and died. Surprisingly, the stoppage of his cheating heart has been studied and is know as “sudden coital death.”

Apparently the death of your marriage is not the only thing at risk when it comes to adultery. A study published in the Journal for Sexual Medicine concluded that men who are unfaithful have a higher risk of cardiovascular events.

If you have sex with your wife at home, you have a better chance of living! Stay faithful, stay alive!

Have an affair with a younger women away from the home, and you are more at risk for heart attack than those  faithful men according to Italian researchers. Apparently attraction can be fatal!

Researchers attribute the stress of keeping the affair secret, wining and dining with excessive alcohol and eating, and keeping up with a younger woman as contributing factors but aren’t exactly sure why death by adultery occurs. When the Center for Disease Control and Prevention looked at autopsies of over 5500 people, they found extramarital affairs among those who died in sex to be a factor 75% of the time.

So, if you need a reason to end that affair and be faithful to your wife, how does avoiding cardiac death sound? Your cheating heart could lead to a stopped heart!

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