I was surprised to learn that just 21% of people who call themselves Christians are committed to a community of faith (Faith by George Barna). Even though the Apostles’ Creed affirms that we believe in the communion of saints, many Christians in America feel this is unnecessary to their spiritual maturity.

Add to this another disturbing finding by Willow Creek Association researchers: The longer a person exploring Christ attends church, the less likely he or she is to follow Christ. REVEAL research notes that people who are exploring Christ and attended church for more than five years were more likely to say they were discontented in their spiritual growth than those who attended less than five years (Move by Greg Hawkins and Cally Parkinson, Zondervan, 2011). So what is going on here?

The longer you are in church, the more stalled in your walk you become.? Then why bother to assemble with other believers?

The simply answer? Jesus thought it was a good idea and established the church as a community for believers. But we believers are finding reasons not to meet in a church setting.

Tomorrow, I will share my thoughts as to why people don’t go to church. Love to make this a dialogue. Share your thoughts!

Why do you think so many Christians don’t value going to church?


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