Depression Help

  Imagine predicting suicide risk with apps and blood test. According to the Washington Post, it is possible. Scientists have developed a system of blood tests and apps that can 90% predict if someone will start thinking about suicide or attempt it. A study published by researchers at Indiana University School of Medicine took a look at…

Why don’t people who are suicidal seek help when in crisis? It’s a good question. One group of people who usually won’t ask for help are men. There are several reasons of course, but it all boils down to stigma. Stigma keeps men silent. This is where Men Heal comes in. Men Heal is a mental health…

#TheWorstPartOfDepressionIs is trending today on Twitter. There are so many great comments and thoughts being shared. Here’s a few to help you or anyone you know suffering from depression. What do you think the worst part of depression is? #TheWorstPartOfDepressionIs people telling you that you’re just going through a little phase. #TheWorstPartOfDepressionIs that everyone thinks it’s…

  What is depression and how is it treated? Depression is often confused with feeling blue. Normal sadness is from daily life situations, frustrations, and losses. Depression isn’t normal sadness. Depression is a prolonged, severe illness that disables a person. Depression ranges from mild to severe. Mild depression may be helped by changing a person’s daily…

A new depression questionnaire could soon be coming to your doctor’s office. Fill it out while you wait for your doctor and get referred for follow-up in the same visit. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine (July 27, 2015) , doctors are recommending that a questionnaire assessing if you’re depressed should be readily available in…

I came across this poem one day when depression was killing me. It made me feel good for a moment and so I’m sharing it with you. Have a good day my friends! A GOOD DAY Throughout all the ups and downs of this day, Throughout all the challenges, doubts, frustrations, Throughout the joys, the…

    If you are spiritual, you’re more likely to be depressed and anxious. According to a new U.K. study, spiritual people are consciously aware of the world around them and have an increased ability to feel the emotions of others. Heightened senses and intuition make spiritual people depressed and anxious. Now hold on, before…

  Can depression be cured? Is coping with depression the same as being cured of depression? Simple answer is no. Depression is a mental illness that doesn’t get cured by any medication or treatment. Only a lucky few, maybe 10%, actually come out of depression behaving and feeling like they did before being depressed. These…

  Male menopause and anxiety. As ugly, tough, and weird to go through as female menopause. When a man turns forty, testosterone goes down, cortisol goes up. Emotions go berserk. Depression and anxiety are common. Behaviour can get down right weird or upsetting. It’s puberty hormonally reversed. A man’s body goes through several changes in…

Music and depression in children: The Rhythm of Resilience At first music was my escape. As a young child, my headphones blocked out the shouting, drinking and abuse from the other room. The stories embedded within the songs took me away on a musical adventure. Retreat…a first layer of resilience. As the years passed, music became…

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