love runs the world | Terezia Farkas | Beliefnet | depression help

Love runs the world. Compassion is the thread that connects us and love is the fuel that drives us. Compassion gives a person the ability to feel empathy towards others, and understand their situation. There’s many different types of love. Compassionate love means you care about someone else, whether through friendship or some other bond. This love brings humans from different walks of life together. 

The world often seems to be a place of chaos, hatred, and anger. Negative energies like these can overwhelm us. They can make us bitter and distrustful. But there’s a more powerful force at work in the world. That is love.

The world runs on love. 

The world turns on love, not hate. It’s love that carries the human race forward. Love that makes us hold onto each other when catastrophe strikes. It makes us help out strangers when war wounds people’s lives. Love is there whenever pain and despair hit.

Love is a powerful force. It’s as powerful and limitless as the universe. Some say it was love’s desire to share itself with others that drove creation forward from the beginning of time. Think about that for a moment. Is creation driven by love or hate? A newly born infant wants love. Hate won’t make the baby grow or form an attachment. Everyone’s life starts with the same need. The need to be loved.

Love stands against haters.

While love is a powerful force, negative energies and peoples do exist. These can make life nasty, difficult, and dangerous. Haters come from a limited world. It’s a world where there’s little understanding of anything, or anyone, different from the norm. The mind doesn’t want to challenge itself and explore possibilities or accept newly discovered truths.

The world of haters is powerless, because it has set boundaries that will never be challenged. Lies and half-truths can safely hide in that world. Personal perceptions are hard to change. Yet even in that dark negative world, there is love. And love is powerful!

Love doesn’t stop at personal boundaries. It’s not afraid of hatred or anger. It goes right up to the person and knocks on the heart and soul. Love wants to light up the darkness. It wants to bring the person closer to others, and to challenge preset notions and ideas. Love stretches forward hope and compassion, to heal and set the person on a path to a higher level of being.

That is what the world turns on. So when you hear haters and bigots, remember their world is limited and powerless. Yours is limitless and powerful. 

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