cleanse your space of negative people energy | Terezia Farkas | depression help | Beliefnet

Your aura and the psychic space around you need cleaning too. Just like anything else, it can get ‘dirty’, only it gets dirty from the energies of negative people. Usually we ignore this personal space. But it needs the occasional cleaning. If you deal with negative people frequently, you might want to purify your space of negative energies more often.

Here’s how to cleanse your space of negative people energy.

  1. Burn incense. Sandalwood and Frankincense are aromatics and have been used for centuries to relieve stress and despair. That’s useful when you have to deal with negative people. There are perfumes that have Sandalwood and Frankincense gently mixed in, so if your boss or co-worker is a negative person you can easily keep your psychic space clean without using incense sticks.
  2. Open all windows. Let the sunshine and fresh air in. You might be surprised at how stuffy and hot the air will become around negative people. Anger and heated conversations make body temperature rise which in turn warms the air. Not to mention odours lingering from alcohol or cigarettes or even bad B.O.
  3. Spray the area with salt water from a sprayer. Salt purifies the air. All you need is a tablespoon or so of salt mixed with a cup of water. Basically you’re making holy water like the Catholic Church so add in a powerful prayer like the Our Father and it becomes the same thing.
  4. Essential oils. The aromatic scents lighten your mood and refresh your home or workplace naturally. Essential oils are antibacterial and antiviral so they make your home or workplace healthier. Ones to try are lemon, sweet orange, lavender, sage, peppermint, and rose. Mix a few drops of any of these oils with water and use as a spray.
  5. Loud clapping. I’m not too sure about this idea but Pranic healing recommends the use of loud, purposeful noise to cleanse an are of negative people’s energy. The idea is rooted in the movement of air particles. Clapping makes negative particles move away from positive particles so you are restoring balance to the ions in the air.


* Click here to find out more about Terezia Farkas and Depression Help
Get your copy of her bestseller Heart of Love Evolution – Surviving Depression  available on Amazon.

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