shoot for the moon | Terezia Farkas | author | depression help | Beliefnet


You’ve heard the saying Shoot for the Moon. Well, some days the moon seems to be in another galaxy. But that’s okay. It makes the journey to the moon more exciting and fulfilling.

Shoot for the Moon

Why not dream? Why not have outrageous goals? Why should you limit yourself? Why not shoot for the moon? There’s nothing to be afraid of.

If you set your sights on a goal and really commit to it, you guarantee yourself a measure of success. It’s as simple as that. You initiated action. Doesn’t matter what that first action is. Maybe you wrote down ideas for a book. Maybe you looked up the contact info for that person you admire and want as your mentor. Maybe you tweeted about a social injustice.

Whatever your goal is, the first action has to be by you. Forget the mind traps of “can’t, shouldn’t, or won’t.”

Maybe you’ll fall short of the true goal. But you made progress just by starting towards it. There’s no regret about not trying.

Break the Mold

Don’t let culture or society limit your dreams. Culture can take generations to change, and societies are different throughout the world. You can still make your goal or dream a reality. The people who achieved their dreams are just like you. They acted and committed to their goals. They believed in the value of their goals. It didn’t matter if that goal fit in with society.

Live Your Life

You’re never too old to live your life. Stop convincing yourself otherwise.

You need to live your life with passion or purpose. Life is precious. Whether you achieve your dream or not isn’t as important as the journey towards that dream. The journey is where you learn about yourself. It’s where you’re tested. It’s where you bend or break, but come out the other end more alive than when you started. The journey is about your soul rediscovering its purpose on earth.

Don’t be a bystander in your own life. Start doing the things that you dream about. Start moving towards the goals you hope will improve your life. Shoot for the moon and even if you hit the stars, celebrate!

Twitter:  @tereziafarkas  #motivation  #gratitude #LOA

* Click here to find out more about Terezia Farkas and Depression Help Free

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