31 tips for self care | Terezia Farkas | depression help | Beliefnet


Self care is good all year long, not just during the holidays. It’s always important to stop and listen to your own needs. But self care falls by the side of our lives too many times. So to remind you about self care, here’s some ideas and tips taken from  National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

Here’s 31 tips for self care:

1. Take a walk outside

2. Write a love letter to yourself

3. Write about something you are grateful for in your life (it can be a person, place, or thing)

4. Create a happy playlist and a coping playlist

5. Treat yourself to a favorite snack

6. Watch your favorite movie

7. Forgive someone

8. Forgive yourself

9. Say thank you to someone who has helped you recently

10. Create a DIY self-care kit of things that make you feel better

11. Take your medication on time

12. Take a new fitness class at the gym (yoga, Zumba, etc.)

13. Plan a lunch date with someone you haven’t seen in a while

14. Pamper yourself with an at-home spa day

15. Take a day off from social media and the Internet

16. Cuddle with your pets or a friend’s pet

17. Take the time to stop, stand and stretch for 2 minutes

18. Wake up a little earlier and enjoy your a morning cup of tea or coffee before the morning rush

19. Take a hot shower or bath

20. Take yourself out to dinner

21. Start that one project you’ve been contemplating for a while

22. Sit with your emotions, and allow yourself to feel and accept them. It’s okay to laugh, cry, just feel whatever you’re feeling with no apologies!

23. Cook a favorite meal from scratch

24. Take a 5-minute break in your day

25. Compliment someone (and yourself, too!)

26. Give yourself permission to say no

27. De-clutter your mind: write down 5 things that are bothering you, and then literally throw them away

28. Donate 3 pieces of clothing that you no longer wear

29. Take the time to find 5 beautiful things during your daily routine

30. Take a mental health day from school, work, etc.

31. Take a nap



Twitter:  @tereziafarkas  #selfcare   #suicideprevention   #selfharm  #BeThe1To

* Click here to find out more about Terezia Farkas and Depression help

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