You probably remember this posting from several days ago, requesting prayers for a young woman facing pressure to have an abortion.

From Julie, an update:

Praise God. A corner has been turned.

My friend courageously went to speak to the people applying pressure. Despite their anger she presented the truth in love. By the next morning hearts had softened somewhat and there was a willingness to look at other options.

It brought tears to my eyes as I read the details of what a difference a little willingness to explore options meant. When this girl saw the sonogram and heard her baby’s heartbeat the look on her face was priceless according to the account.

For the sake of confidentiality, I will not go into any other details but rest assured that there is an excellent support system in place for the young mother’s future and now, praise God, for that of her baby.

This morning I was offering up my First Friday Fast for life for this little one and her mother. It was an exceeding joy, therefore, when I saw the updated email. It also speaks eloquently to the power of stepping out in faith, love, and conviction as my friend did. I am so proud that I know this woman. She is a shining example to me of how to live a fully Christian life of love.

Please keep praying for this mother and those like her as this is not an easy road to travel, even with a lot of support.


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