“If the Season of Advent were a book I would file it on a shelf, right at eye-level, foremost among the great works of poetry. Advent is a poem of a bright new beginning.

Advent is a love poem written to us from God.

This poem of the season of Advent is set to the meter of eternity, the rhythm of our hearts and in the cadence of now.

In the poem of the season of Advent we are pregnant with Mary. We are filled with our hopes for future, our longing for love and our trust in God. We live each day carrying within our bellies the expectation and the reality of the divine.

In the poem of Advent all words rhyme with love. Even Already, even Not yet.

In the poem of the season of Advent every line contains hope as “we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our lord”

Advent is a love poem written to us from God.

And, we all Already know the substance of this poem for it is inscribed on our heart. “Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again”

As we come to this sacrificial table the whole of the created universe responds to God’s presence and promise of a new dawn.”

— Deacon Gregory Burch, preaching last Sunday in Concord, Massachusetts.

H/T Concord Pastor
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